HELMINTHOLOGIA, 40, 3:123-130, 2003

The dose dependent effect of glucan on worm burden and pathology of mice infected with Mesocestoides corti (M. vogae) tetrathyridia

G. DitteovA, S. VelebnY, G. HrCkovA

Parasitological Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Hlinkova 3, 040 01 Košice, Slovak Republic, E-mail: gabidi@saske.sk


  The efficacy of three, five and seven doses of glucan and its effect on pathology in mice infected with Mesocestoides corti larvae were examined by means of larval counts in the livers and peritoneal cavities and selected pathophy-siological and biochemical parameters of the host. Sera and livers of mice were collected on days 32, 42, 50 and 65 p.i. and levels of ALT, AST, cholesterol and hydroxyproline were determined. Administration of glucan significantly (P < 0.01) reduced larval counts in the liver of all treated groups. Larval numbers in the peritoneal cavity of mice treated with three glucan doses (15 mg.kg-1 of body weight in total) did not markedly change in comparison with con-trol. On days 50 and 65 p.i. in the liver and on day 65 p.i. in the peritoneal cavity the lowest larval counts were recorded in the group treated with five doses of glucan (25 mg. kg-1 of body weight in total). In this group of mice the lo-west intensity of liver fibrosis was also observed, which was comparable with fibrosis in the control group. The most intense fibrosis was recorded in the group with three glucan doses. With respect to larval burden reduction, administration of seven glucan doses (35 mg.kg-1 of body weight in total) was not as effective as administration of five doses. AST activities in all glucan treated groups were markedly (P < 0.01) elevated within the experimental period. In the group with three doses of glucan, ALT activi-ties decreased  considerably on days 42, 50 and 65 p.i. and in the group treated with five doses they achieved control levels by the end of the experimental period. Cholesterol levels were significantly increased after glucan administra-tion from day 32 up to day 65 p.i., except in three dose-treated mice. The earliest decline of cholesterol in serum was recorded in the control group. The present results indicate that greater glucan efficacy is not proportional to the number of doses, at least in this particular treatment schedule. Administration of five glucan doses appears to be most effective with respect to the highest reduction of parasite burden in the liver and peritoneal cavity of mice and the lowest intensity of liver fibrosis.


HELMINTHOLOGIA, 40, 3:131-134, 2003

Extensive allozyme polymorphism for phosphoglucomutase in a natural population of Lecithochirium fusiforme (Digenea) occurring in Conger conger

R. Vilas, E. Paniagua*, M. L. SanmartIn1

Laboratorio de Parasitología, Facultad de Farmacia, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela. Av. Vigo s/n, Campus Sur, 15782 Santiago de Compostela, Spain, E-mail: Paniesp@usc.es; 1Instituto de Investigación y Análisis alimentarios, Laboratorio de Parasitología, Facultad de Farmacia, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela


  Allozyme electrophoresis was used to investigate genetic variation in phosphoglucomutase (PGM) in a natural population of the hemiurid fluke Lecithochirium fusiforme oc-curring in conger eels. The banding patterns obtained were consistent with a monomeric structure for this enzyme and double-locus control. Although the levels of genetic variation were very different, both Pgm-1 and Pgm-2 loci were polymorphic. The degree of genetic polymorphism at Pgm-1 was unexpectedly high compared with that in other populations of flukes. The population studied revealed five allozymes for Pgm-1, and a high heterozygosity for this locus (h = 0.605). However, the population showed a striking departure from Hardy-Weinberg predictions at Pgm-1 (F= 0.47). The degree of genetic polymorphism of Pgm-1 and the heterozygote deficit detected are discussed in relation to recent studies of the genetic structure of parasite populations, and also to possible problems in the definition of a local population of marine fish parasites with complex life cycles.


HELMINTHOLOGIA, 40, 3:135-140, 2003

Use of lectins in characterizing developmentally regulated changes on the surface of Paradiplozoon megan (Monogenea: Diplozoidae)


*Department of Marine Biology, University of Vienna, Althanstrasse 14, Vienna 1090, Austria, E-mail: irma1@seznam.cz; 1Department of Limnology, University of Vienna, Althanstrasse 14, Vienna 1090, Austria; 2Department of Zoology and Ecology, Masaryk University, Kotlarska 2, 611 37 Brno, Czech Republic; 3Department of Parasitology, Charles University, Vinicna 7, 128 44 Prague, Czech Republic


  The surfaces of three developmental stages (diporpae, just-fused juveniles and adults) of Paradiplozoon megan have been examined by histological methods using alcian blue/ periodic acid-Schiff staining and by binding of lectins conjugated with fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) interfaced with confocal scanning laser microscopy, in an attempt to ascertain developmentally regulated changes of surface saccharide residues. Positive reactions with alcian blue and periodic acid Schiff indicated the presence of acidic and neutral mucosubstances, respectively, on the surface and in the secretory products of glands of the dorsal papilla of diporpa/just-fused juvenile stages. Binding sites for Man/ Glc, GlcNAc, Gal, GalNAc and Fuc specific lectins have been detected on the surface of all stages tested, except the diporpa which failed to react with Fuc-specific lectins.  The dorsal papilla of the juvenile worms expressed binding sites for LCA, ConA and PNA. The ventral sucker failed to react with Fuc-specific lectins. Results revealed strong gly-cosylation of the surface of all tested developmental stages; the level of glycosylation changes during the process of ageing. It is hypothesized that carbohydrates play a vital role in the somatic fusion of the diporpae. Differences between the distribution of the carbohydrate residues of P. megan examined in this study and previous reports of Eudiplozoon nipponicum have been discussed.


HELMINTHOLOGIA, 40, 3:141-146, 2003

Prevalence of intestinal parasites of dogs in rural areas of South Moravia (Czech Republic)

M. Borkovcova

Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry Brno, Department of Zoology and Apidology, Zemedelska 1, 613 00 Brno, Czech Republic, e-mail: borkov@mendelu.cz


  The results of the survey of endoparasites of dogs in 32 small village farms around Brno city in South Moravia district (Czech Republic) in the period of 1997-2001 are reported. Faecal samples of 483 adult dogs and 216 pups were examined by direct smear, flotation and Baermann methods. The prevalence of parasites (adult dogs/pups) found was as follows: Giardia intestinalis (0.4 %/1.9 %) Isospora canis (7.9 %/6.0 %), Isospora ohioensis-like (4.1 %/2.7 %), Sarcocystis spp. (1.7 %/0.5 %), Taenia-type eggs (7.9 %/4.6 %), Dipylidium caninum (2.3 %/1.9 %),  Trichuris vulpis (4.1 %/1.4 %), Toxocara canis (9.5 %/22.2 %), Toxascaris leonina (0.8 %/0.5 %), Ancylostoma/Uncinaria spp. (0.6 %/0 %).


HELMINTHOLOGIA, 40, 3:147-151, 2003

A new experimental approach to develop unilocular cystic echinococcosis in rabbit livers


Ondokuz Mayis University Medical School, Department of Microbiology and Clinical Microbiology, 55139, Kurupelit- Samsun/Turkey, E-mail: mhokelek@omu.edu.tr; 1Department of Surgery; 2Department of Radiology, Samsun, Turkey


Cystic echinococcosis is a parasitic disease that is endemic in many parts of the world. Besides surgical and percutaneous interventional methods, new experimental therapeutic modalities with the use of antiparasitic drugs are still under investigation. The aim of this study is to present a new practical and time saving experimental model for treatment of cystic echinococcosis. Daughter cysts obtained from naturally infected cattle liver with cystic echinococcosis were implanted into the rabbit liver under sterile conditions. Cysts were evaluated with ultrasonography and computed tomography for six months. Volumes were sig-nificantly increased in seven survived cysts at the end of the sixth month (P < 0.05). The main advantage of this method over the known classical intraperitoneal protoscoleces injection methods is to be able to form a successful unilocular liver cyst. This method proved to be an applicable approach with a short cyst development time and high inoculation rate of cysts into the liver. 


HELMINTHOLOGIA, 40, 3:153-160, 2003

Helminths parasitizing the silvery mole-rat, Heliophobius argenteocinereus (Rodentia: Bathyergidae) from Malawi

F. Tenora, V. BaruS1, M. ProkeS1, R. Sumbera2, B. KoubkovA3

Department of Zoology, Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry, Brno, Czech Republic; 1Institute of Vertebrate Biology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Brno, Czech  Republic, E-mail: prokes@brno.cas.cz; 2Department of Zoology, South Bohemian University,Ceské Budejovice, Czech Republic; 3Department of Zoology and Ecology, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic, E-mail: koubkova@sci.muni.cz


  In the silvery molerat, Heliophobius argenteocinereus (Rodentia, Bathyergidae) from Malawi, two helminth species were identified: Protospirura muricola and Inermicapsifer arvicanthidis. Mean abundance of these species was 2.8, and 16.5, respectively. For P. muricola, silvery molerat is the new host. The morphology of I. arvicanthidis is described. A review of the genus Inermicapsifer with notes on the species parasitizing rodents and man is included. Formulated here is the hypothesis that I. madagasca-riensis is a tapeworm restricted to man, and that I. arvicanthidis is a generalist parasite of African rodents.


HELMINTHOLOGIA, 40, 3:161-164, 2003

Parasites of fallow deer (Dama dama) in Slovenia


Institute for Breeding and Health Care of Wild Animals, Fishes and Bees, University of Ljubljana, Veterinary Faculty, Gerbiceva 60, 1115 Ljubljana, Slovenia, E-mail: Gorazd.Vengust@vf.uni-lj.si


  The present work summarises the results of a survey of the parasites of farmed fallow deer across Slovenia. 43 clinically normal fallow deer were shot during routine culls in 5 enclosures between 1999 and 2001 in wintertime. Eighteen species of parasites were isolated and determined from gastro-intestinal tract and liver, 16 of those for the first time in fallow deer in Slovenia. The most commonly isolated species were Spiculopteragia asymmetrica, Fasciola hepatica, Ostertagia leptospicularis, Capillaria bovis, Oesophagostomum radiatum and Skrjabinagia kolchida. Other species were determined in a lower number of the animals. The number of parasites in single animals was small, however Fasciola hepatica was present in larger numbers in the liver of infected animals. No parasites were isolated from the lungs.


HELMINTHOLOGIA, 40, 3:165-172, 2003

Longidoridae (Nematoda: Dorylaimida) in the Slovak Republic


Parasitological Institute, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Hlinkova 3, 040 01 Kosice, Slovak Republic; 1Scottish Crop Research Institute, Invergowrie, Dundee DD2 5DA, Scotland, UK


  A total of 30 longidorid species have been identified from various types of vegetation in the Slovak Republic, com-prising 22 Longidorus species (L. attenuatus, L. caespiticola, L. carpathicus, L. closelongatus, L. cylindricaudatus, L. elongatus, L. euonymus, L. goodeyi, L. intermedius, L. iug-landis, L. juglandicola, L. juvenilis, L. leptocephalus, L. macrosoma, L. nevesi, L. piceicola, L. picenus, L. poes-sneckensis, L. raskii, L. silvae, L. uroshis and L. vineacola), one Paralongidorus species (P. maximus), and 7 Xiphi-nema  species (X. dentatum, X. diversicaudatum, X. italiae, X. pachtaicum, X. simile, X. taylori, and X. vuittenezi). Longidorid nematodes occurred in soil samples at an ove-rall frequency of F = 57 %, with abiotic and biotic factors affecting the frequency of occurrence in the various types of vegetation investigated. For example, the frequency of occurrence under cereals was F = 18 %, potatoes F = 21 %, grass leys F = 39 %, fruit tree orchards F = 67 %, nut tree orchards F = 68 %, vineyards F = 75 %, forests F = 51 %, floodplain forests F = 96 %, river meadows F = 55 %, and riverbank vegetation F = 63 %. Populations of L. euony-mus were recovered only from biotopes with sandy soils and independent of the vegetation type; L. poessneckensis was present only in very wet soils collected from flooded forests and river bank vegetation; X. vuittenezi was present only in soils from the warmest area characteristic for vineyards; and P. maximus and X. dentatum were invariably associated with soils derived from calcareous paternal rock. The association of the longidorid species with different biotopic conditions is reviewed.


HELMINTHOLOGIA, 40, 3:173-175, 2003

Prevalence of Toxocara canis eggs in dog faecal deposits from urban areas of Pisa, Italy

R. LEGROTTAGLIE, R. Papini1*, R. Capasso, G. Cardini1

Dipartimento di Patologia Animale, Profilassi e Igiene degli Alimenti; *1Dipartimento di Clinica Veterinaria, Facoltà di Medicina Veterinaria, Viale delle Piagge 2 - 56124 Pisa, Italia; E-mail: rpapini@vet.unipi.it


  The prevalence of patent Toxocara canis infection in dogs was determined by examining faecal deposits from the pavement of three different areas of Pisa, Italy. Of 126 faecal deposits examined, 25 harboured parasite eggs or oocysts throughout the investigation period. T. canis eggs were found in 14  of the faecal samples collected and in 1 in association with Dipylidium caninum. Other parasite infections included D. caninum, Isospora sp. and Trichuris vulpis. Public health risk of T. canis visceral larva migrans is discussed.