HELMINTHOLOGIA, 34, 1: 3 - 8, 1997

Histopathological changes and antibody response in rats infected with Fasciola hepatica and treated with triclabendazole*


Department of Animal Pathology (Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases), Veterinary Faculty, University of Santiago de Compostela, 27071 - Lugo (Spain)


A comparison between infected-untreated rats and infected and triclabendazole treated rats was carried out. Animals were 4 weeks old (80�120 gram). 2 groups of infected rats were utilised: G-1, infected and untreated animals; G-2 infected and treated rats. Excretion of fluke eggs in faeces, antibody response and histopathological changes were assessed to determine the success after a treatment with triclabendazole. There were no eggs observed in flukes in the rats of G-2, and the intensity of liver lessions was less severe, confirming the very high efficacy of this fasciolicide. Antibodies against Fasciola hepatica were detectable as soon as the 2nd week post-infection in the 2 groups of infected rats. The level of antibodies increased up until the 7th week post-infection in the rats of G-1, and reached a plateau till the 21st week post-infection; in the rats of G-2, antibodies incremented until the 4th week post-infection, and decreased from the 15th week post-infection.


HELMINTHOLOGIA, 34, 1: 9 - 13, 1997

Proteocephalus exiguus La Rue, 1911 (Cestoda, P r o t e o c e p h a l i d a e): ultrastructure of the vitelline cells

M. Brunanska

Parasitological Institute SAS, Protifasistickych bojovnikov 5, 040 01 Kosice, Slovak Republic


The ultrastructure of the vitelline cells is described in the adult cestode Proteocephalus exiguus a parasite of coregonid and salmonid fish. The ovoid mature vitelline cells contain prominent nuclei with electron-dense nucleoli. The cytoplasm of these cells is packed with shell globules and lipid droplets. The granular endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi complexes are extensively developed and are evidently engaged in shell globule formation. Three stages of shell globule production were observed. The shell globules of the third developmental stage are of reticulate appearance with an electron-dense nucleus in some of them. After coming into a close contact with the oocyte, the vitelline cells disintegrate. Shell globules release the cell and participate in the formation of the capsule. The ultrastructure of the vitelline cells in P. exiguus is compared with that of related species and with other cestode groups.


HELMINTHOLOGIA, 34, 1: 15 - 22, 1997

Proctoeces maculatus (Digenea: F e l l o d i s t o m i d a e) metacercaria in the gastropod Priotrochus obscurus in Kuwait Bay: occurrence and surface morphology

J. Abdul-Salam, B. S. Sreelatha, H. M. Ashkanani

Department of Zoology, University of Kuwait, P. O. Box 5969, Safat, State of Kuwait 13060


Unencysted metacercariae of the digenetic trematode Proctoeces maculatus (Loos, 1901) Odhner, 1911 were recorded for the first time from the top shell Priotrochus obscurus (Wood, 1828) (Prosobranchia: T r o c h i d a e) in Kuwait Bay, northern Arabian Gulf. Of 102 snails examined, 54 (52.9 %) were infected with 1 to 12 (1.7 � 2.5) metacercariae. Prevalence and intensity of infection were independent of host size. Since only nonovigerous metacercariae were found in the molluscan host, the life cycle in Kuwait Bay conforms with the pattern in tropical waters, where the digenean reaches maturity in fishes. Scanning electron microscopy was used to study the surface morphology of the metacercaria. The tegument was devoid of spines and folded into concentrically arranged furrows and ridges elevated by rounded microvilli. The tegument inside the oral sucker supports small pitted papillae, globules of secretion were visible in the vicinity of the papillae. Tegumental ridges around the oral sucker bear two types of sensory papillae: the more common type displayed a cilium projecting from a prominent collar anchored to the tegument by longitudinal ridges and the less common type was an aciliate, disclike papilla with a smooth surface. Aciliate protuberances were observed on the tegumental ridges immediately posterior to the ventral sucker. The ventral sucker, genital aperture and excretory pore were devoid of sensory papillae.


HELMINTHOLOGIA, 34, 1: 23 - 26, 1997

Levels of catecholamines in blood plasma of rabbits naturally infected with Encephalitozoon cuniculi

B. Pastorova*, M. Rybos**, V. Elias*, J. Varady*

*Department comparative physiology of UVM, Kosice; **Parasitological Institute of SAS, Kosice


 Catecholamines present in blood participate in regulation of a number of physiological mechanisms and at the same time reflect some pathological changes. We used a radioenzymatic method to investigate the catecholamine levels in blood plasma of 24 laboratory rabbits (females, 13 months old, weighing 3.2 � 0.4 kg) which were examined by the method of radial haemolysis and indirect immunofluorescence for the presence of antibodies to Encephalitozoon cuniculi antigens. The results obtained indicate that encephalitozoonosis decreases significantly the level of catecholamines in blood plasma. From the total number of rabbits investigated, 41.7 % were evaluated as seropositive. The seropositive group of rabbits exhibited a significant (p<0.05) decrease of plasma dopamine levels (by 23.3 %). Concentrations of norepinephrine in blood plasma of rabbits decreased from 26.07 � 0.780 to 8.42 � 0.117 which is a significant decrease by 41.9 %. Similar changes were recorded in the levels of plasma epinephrine (p<0.05) in comparison with healthy individuals (decrease by 34.6 %). The results obtained showed that a marked decrease in activity of peripheral adrenergic system occurs in seropositive animals following the infection with Encephalitozoon cuniculi parasite.


HELMINTHOLOGIA, 34, 1: 27 - 33, 1997

On the variability of Dicrocoelium dendriticum (Rudolphi, 1819) in domestic and free-living animals VI. Variability of eggs of D. dendriticum from Slovakia and Algeria


Department of Experimental Botany and Genetics, Faculty of Science, P. J. Saf�rik University, Manesova 23, 040 01 Kosice, Slovak Republic; *Parasitological Institute, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Hlinkova 3, 040 01 Kosice, Slovak Republic


A biometric study of 1130 eggs of D. dendriticum (Rudolphi, 1819), isolated from various domestic and free-living Artiodactyla in Slovakia and from Bos taurus in Algeria, showed their minimo-maximum size ranging between 19�60 x 16�39 �m.The range of 29.9�50.7 �m for length and 19.0� 31.8 �m for width applies to 99 % of eggs. Dicrocoeliid eggs from different hosts overlapped more or less in size, however, eggs of some specimens of D. dendriticum differed in size to the extent that they formed hiatuses among one another. For other dicrocoeliid species, a metric evaluation of eggs from a number of adult specimens from various localities is recommended, especially in case of a species abundant in nature. Such data will contribute to a more objective understanding of the taxonomic significance of egg size in this group of digenetic trematodes.


HELMINTHOLOGIA, 34, 1: 35 - 44, 1997

The Red Data List of helminths parasitizing fishes of the orders Cypriniformes, Siluriformes and Gadiformes in the Czech Republic and Slovak Republic


Institute of Landscape Ecology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Kvetn� 8, 603 65 Brno, Czech Republic; *Institute of Parasitology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Branisovska 31, 370 05 Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic; **Parasitological Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Hlinkova 3, 040 01 Kosice, Slovak Republic


A first attempt was made to include helminths, parasitizing fishes of the orders Cypriniformes, Siluriformes and Gadiformes in the Czech and Slovak Republics, in the Red Data List according to the methods and categories published by IUCN (1994). From a total number of 187 helminth species parasitizing cyprinids from Czech and Slovak rivers, strict host specificity was found in 82 monogenean, 8 digenean, 6 cestode and 6 nematode species. Of 16 helminth species parasitizing the wells (Silurus glanis), 2 monogenean, 1 digenean and 2 cestode species were specific compared to only 1 monogenean species out of 14 helminth species of burbot (Lota lota). Analysing the helminth specificity and threat degrees of the definitive hosts, 45 helminth species were recognized as being threatened: 14 of them belong to the category critical, 6 to the category endangered, 10 to the category vulnerable and 15 to the category susceptible. Some methodological problems in preparation of the Red List of parasites are discussed.


HELMINTHOLOGIA, 34, 1: 45 - 52, 1997

Peculiarities of helminthocenosis in the American mink population inhabi-ting a severely polluted river ecosystem (the Svisloch river, Belarus)


Institute of Zoology, Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Skoriny str., 27, Minsk - 220072, Belarus


A total of 46 mink carcasses were collected at the severely contaminated Svisloch river; 66 carcasses were collected from the unpolluted Drissa and Lovat rivers and processed by the standard helminthological methods. Our results are evidence of the considerable changes of helminthocenoses in conditions of severe contamination of river ecosystems. The main trends of this process are reduction of helminth species diversity and increase in infestation by remaining species. Helminth species whose life cycles were not affected seriously by the reduction of zoocenosis of a polluted river ecosystem tend to survive in it. The increase of infection of these species is probably connected with the decrease of host organism resistance against helminths.


HELMINTHOLOGIA, 34, 1: 53 - 54, 1997

Research note

The first record of Drepanidotaenia lanceolata (Bloch, 1782) larva in Arctodiaptomus spinosus (Daday, 1891) D i a p t o m i d a e in Yugoslavia


Institute of Biology, PMF, Novi Sad; 1Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Belgrade; 2Institute for Biological Research "Sinisa Stankovic", Belgrade


The cercocystis larva of the tapeworm Drepanidotaenia lanceolata was found in Arctodiaptomus spinosus. This cercocystis larva has not been found in an intermediate host in Yugoslavia so far. It is 130�140 �m long, and 100�110 �m wide; has a characteristic appendage at the anterior part and a very long curved tail at the posterior part. The adult tapeworm parasitizes intestines of the birds: Anseriformes, Gaviformes, Podicepediformes, Cyconiiformes and Galliformes.