The Institute of Parasitology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (IP SAS) (formerly the Helminthological Institute of SAS) was founded by professor Ján Hovorka, D.V.M., D.Sc in 1953 as the Helminthological Laboratory of SAS. It is a research institution of the SAS and the principal institution devoted completely to the parasitological research in Slovakia. The Institute pursues a complex studies on parasites and parasitic diseases of humans, animals, plants and is engaged in an effective and fruitful international collaboration. The researchers at the Institute are dedicated to the making discoveries primarily in basic research. However, several scientific teams are also engaged in applied and translational research.

The main research topics include:

  • parasitic zoonoses
  • tick-borne diseases, systematics
  • phylogeny and genetic variability and ecology of parasites
  • anthelmintic resistance
  • immune response and diagnostics of parasites
  • development of new drugs paralyzing neuromuscular system of parasite
  • ecological aspects of environmental protection and research of plant parasitic nematodes

The mission of the Institute is to accomplish research objectives through dedicated research, educational activities at national and international level. The Institute has developed strong partnership with other relevant organizations of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Universities and the other research Institutions in Slovakia and abroad.

One of the principal aims is to hand over new scientific information in form of research periodicals, monographs and the public press releases. The Institute is the owner of the international scientific journal Helminthologia, published by De Gryuter Publishing specialized in academic literature.

The Institute of Parasitology SAS has more than six decades of history what is reflected by its successful interdisciplinary parasitological research and provide a solid foundation for its future growth.