Bronislava Víchová, RNDr., PhD.

  VEGA projects - Projects funded by the Scientific Grant Agency of Ministry of Education SR and Slovak Academy of Sciences
  Project Title: Emerging parasitic and infectious diseases od domestic and agricultural animals under conditions of  global changes (Vynárajúce sa parazitárne a infekčné choroby domových a hospodárskych zvierat v podmienkach globálnych zmien)
Grant Scheme: VEGA 2/7214/20
Duration: 2006– 2008
Project Position/Role: Investigator
  Project Title: Changes in biodiversity of ecologically and epidemiologically important rodents in Slovakia (Zmeny biodiverzity ekologicky a epidemiologicky významných druhov hlodavcov Slovenska)
Grant Scheme: VEGA 2/6199/26
Duration: 2006 – 2008
Project Position/Role: Investigator
  Project Title: Arthropod-borne pathogens of lizards from the family Lacertidae in model areas of Europe (Článkonožcami prenášané patogénne mikroorganizmy jašteríc čeľade Lacertidae v modelovom území Európy.)
Grant Scheme: VEGA 1/0139/08
Duration: 2008 – 2010
Project Position/Role: Investigator
  Project Title: Selected helminthoses and infectious diseases in hoofed game in the conditions of global climatic changes (Vybrané helmintózne a infekčné nákazy raticovej zveri prežúvavej v podmienkach globálnych  klimatických zmien)
Grant Scheme: VEGA 2/0042/08
Duration: 2008 – 2010
Project Position/Role: Investigator
  Project Title: Epidemiologically important tick species in Slovakia under global climate changes  (Epidemiologicky významné druhy kliešťov na Slovensku pod vplyvom globálnych klimatických zmien)
Grant Scheme: VEGA 2/0128/09
Duration: 2009 – 2011
Project Position/Role: Investigator
  Project Title: Morphological, genetic and fylogenetic analysis of unicelular blood parasites and bacteria infecting free ranging and imported reptiles from different climatic regions of the world. (Morfologická, genetická a fylogenetická analýza jednobunkových krvných parazitov a baktérií u voľne žijúcich a importovaných plazov z rôznych klimatických oblastí sveta – zástupca vedúceho projektu)
Grant Scheme: VEGA 2/0199/11
Duration: 2011 – 2013
Project Position/Role: Investigator
  Project Title: Babesiosis in Slovakia (Babezióza na Slovensku)
Grant Scheme: 2/0113/12
Duration: 2012 – 2015
Project Position/Role: Principal Investigator
  Project Title: Pathogen induced manipulation of behavior of ticks (vector) and reptiles (host)(Patogénmi indukovaná manipulácia behaviorálnych prejavov kliešťov (vektorov) a plazov (hostiteľov))
Grant Scheme: 1/0417/14
Duration: 2014 – 2017
Project Position/Role: Investigator
  Project Title: The research of structure and dynamics of montane type natural foci of tick borne pathogens (Výskum štruktúry a dynamiky prírodných ohnísk kliešťami prenášaných nákaz horského typu)
Grant Scheme: 2/0126/16
Duration: 2016 – 2019
Project Position/Role: Principal Investigator
  APVV projects - Projects funded by the Slovak Research and Development Agency
  Project Title: Ecology and epidemiological importance of small mammals under the global changes in central Europe (Ekológia a epidemiologický význam drobných cicavcov v podmienkach globálnych zmien v strednej Európe.)
Grant Scheme: APVV-0108-06
Duration: 11/2003 – 12/2005
Project Position/Role: Investigator
  Project Title: Molecular epizootology and epidemiology of ehrlichiosis-anaplasmosis in Slovakia (Molekulárna epizootológia a epidemiológia ehrlichiózy-anaplazmózy na Slovensku)
Grant Scheme: APVV-LPP 0341-16
Duration: 2006-2010
Project Position/Role: Investigator
  Project Title: A route of youth towards science – live (Cesta mladých k vede „naživo“)
Grant Scheme: LPP-0400-09
Duration: 2009 – 2012
Project Position/Role: Investigator
  Project Title: A route of youth towards science – live (Cesta mladých k vede „naživo“)
Grant Scheme: LPP-0400-09
Duration: 2009 – 2012
Project Position/Role: Investigator
  Project Title: An hour of the science (Hodina vedy)
Grant Scheme: LPP-0200-07
Duration: 4/2008– 3/2011
Project Position/Role: Investigator
  Project Title: Centre of excellence for parasitology (Centrum excelentnosti pre parazitológiu)
Grant Scheme: European Structural Funds, ITMS: 26220120022
Duration: 2009-2012
Project Position: Investigator
  Project Title: Environmental Protection against the Parazitozoonozes under the impact of global climate and socio-economic changes (Ochrana životného prostredia pred parazitozoonózami pod vplyvom globálnych klimatických a spoločenských zmien)
Grant Scheme:  European Structural Funds, ITMS: 26220220116
Duration: 2009-2015
  Project Title: European Network for Neglected Vectors and Vector-Borne Infections (Európska sieť pre podceňované vektory a vektormi prenášané infekcie)
Grant Scheme: COST
Duration: 2013-2017
Position: Investigator
  Project Title: Molecular diversity of emerging parasitic and infectious diseases agents in the light of global changes in Central Europe
Grant Scheme: Bilateral Project
Duration: 2007-2009
Partner: Czech Republic
Project Position: Investigator
  Project Title: Emerging parasitic and infectious diseases of domesticand wild animals in the light of global changes
Grant Scheme: Bilateral Project
Duration: 2007-2009
Partner: Poland
Project Position: Investigator
  Project Title: Emerging parasitic and infectious diseases of domestic animals in the light of global changes
Grant scheme: Bilateral Project
Duration: 2007-2009
Partner: Hungary
Project Position: Investigator
  Project Title: Significance of natural ecological parameters and estimate of their effects on activity of parasites
Grant scheme: Bilateral Project
Duration: 2009-2011
Partner: Ukraine
Project Position: Investigator
  Project Title: Monitoring of the occurrence of zoonotic tick borne pathogens in urban areas of Central Europe under the impact of global climate changes
Grant scheme: Bilateral Project
Duration: 2015-2017
Partner: Czech Republic
Project Position: Principal Investigator
  Project Title: Studies on the structure and dynamics of the montane natural foci of tick-borne diseases under the impact of global climate change (METAP)
Grant scheme: Bilateral Project
Duration: 2016-2018
Partner: People's Republic of China
Project Position: Principal Investigator