Several highly specialized laboratories have been established at the IP SAS and equipped with top-of-the line equipment, purchased largely through EU funding during 2009–2015. All equipment is currently used in a frame of all research projects supported by national VEGA and APVV funds. The IP SAS infrastructure is available on Institute web page. The strategy of SAS is to make the infrastructure accessible to other academic institutions and universities. Reciprocally, several equipment (see the final part of this section) placed in other institutions are utilized by IP SAS researchers.


  1. Laboratory of morphology and electron-microscopy
    The research is preferentially aimed at the study of macro- and microstructure, cell functions, cell organelles, tissues and organs of human and animal parasites with additional work in comparative morphology, cytogenetics, taxonomy and evolution. Equipment of the laboratory: Scanning electron microscope JEOL JSM-6510LA equipped with EDS system Fluorescence microscope Leica DM4000 Phase contrast microscope Leica DM5000 Microtome Leica Ultracut EM UC7 Paraffin embedding station EM TP Light microscope Leica with digital camera and image analysis software Stereomicroscopes Leica and Olympus


  1. Laboratories of molecular biology
    Molecular biology laboratories are used for de-novo design of new molecular markers applied in molecular taxonomy and population biology, molecular diagnostics of parasitic diseases, population genetic analyses, molecular approaches for the detection of anthelmintic resistance, etc. Equipment of the laboratories: Real-Time PCR and HRM system CFX96 Gradient thermal cyclers Ultra-low freezer CVF 525/86 Steam steriliser Lyofilisator PL 3000 Fully automated documentation system for molecular biology DNR LumiBIS PCR workstations Ultra-Pure water polisher Purelab Classic UVF for water purification


  1. Immunological laboratories
    Immunological research at the IP SAS is primarily focused on the study of functions of selected proteins and peptides in host-parasite interactions and pathogenesis. Influence of the host immune system by therapy, immunomodulators and various exogenous environmental factors are also studied. Equipment of the laboratories: CO2 incubator CB 150 Western blotting equipment Ultrasonic tissue homogenizer Spectrophotometer SPECORD S 600 Electroporator PROTEAN IEF Cell


  1. Laboratories of ecology and ecotoxicology (the latter newly established in 2013)
    Research is focused on the effects of environmental and climate changes on ticks and tickborne pathogens, microstructure of plant nematodes and biochemical analyses of parasites from polluted environments. Equipment of the laboratories: Esri ArcGIS 10.0 Software Thermovision camera FLIR B365 GPS Stereomicroscopes Nikon Climaboxes Olfactometer Microwave digestion system Ethos Atomic absorption spectrometer ZEENIT 700P Highly specialized light microscope Nikon 90i Light microscope with digital camera Nikon SMZ 1000


  1. Laboratory of Animal Facility
    The infrastructure of the Institute includes the animal facility accredited by the State Veterinary and Food Administration of the Slovak Republic in compliance with EU and national legislation. All animals (mice and gerbils) are housed under standard pathogen-free conditions required for high-quality research. The facility is used for experimental laboratory work and provides an ideal conditions to perform studies on chosen animal models.