Daniela Antolová, MVDr., DrSc.

  VEGA projects - Projects funded by the Scientific Grant Agency of Ministry of Education SR and Slovak Academy of Sciences 
  Project Title: Cestodoses with zoonotic potential in Slovakia – negligible risk or serious threat?
Grant scheme: VEGA 1/0107/20
Years of realization: 2020 – 2023
Project Position/Role: Principal investigator
  Project Title: Molecular epidemiology and the risk of the spread of animal parasites in ecological conditions of Slovakia
Grant scheme: VEGA 1/0043/19
Years of realization: 2019 – 2022
Project Position/Role: investigator
  Name of project: Epidemiology of serious parasitozoonoses circulating on the territory of the Slovak Republic and their diagnosis using immunological and molecular approaches.
Grant scheme: VEGA 2/0127/13
Years of realization: 2013 – 2016
Project Position/Role: Principal investigator
  Name of project: Exposure risk of animals and humans in urban and rural areas of Slovakia due to global climatic, ecological and socio-economical changes.
Grant scheme: VEGA 2/0011/12
Years of realization: 2012 – 2015
Project Position/Role: investigator
  Name of project: Epidemiological, serological and genetic study of causative agents of selected protozooses in Slovakia.
Grant scheme: VEGA  2/0104/11 
Years of realization: 2011 – 2014
Project Position/Role: investigator
  Name of project: Circulation and risk of parasitozoonoses in ecologically specific conditions of national parks of northern Slovakia with emphasis on global and local environmental impacts.
Grant scheme: VEGA 2/0145/09
Years of realization: 2009 – 2011
Project Position/Role: investigator
  Name of project: Variation in immunogenicity of different Trichinella species occurring in the territory of Slovakia.
Grant scheme: VEGA 2/0071/08
Years of realization: 2008 – 2010
Project Position/Role: investigator
  Name of project: Examination of transfer mechanisms and spread of neosporosis in farm animals and possibility of its regulation.
Grant scheme: VEGA 2/0069/08
Years of realization: 2008 – 2010
Project Position/Role: investigator
  Name of project: Influence of global changes on the occurrence of parasitic zoonoses in Slovakia and their molecular epidemiology, immunological and clinical aspects of parasite-host relationships.
Grant scheme: VEGA 2/7186/27
Years of realization: 2007 – 2009
Project Position/Role: investigator
  Name of project: Analysis of the parasitozoonoses infection risk, their immune characteristics and identification of etiological egants of diseases by genetic methods.
Grant scheme: VEGA 2/4179/04
Years of realization: 2004 – 2006
Project Position/Role: investigator
  APVV and ŠPVV projects - Projects funded by the Slovak Research and Development Agency
  Project Title: Clarification of the immunomodulatory effects of DLE (dialyzable leukocyte extract) in the therapy of mice with parasitic infections of immunosuppressive character.
Grant scheme: APVV-17-0410
Years of realization: 2018 – 2022
Project Position/Role: investigator
  Name of project: Standardisation of new approaches in diagnostics of serious helminth diseases of men and their application into practice in actual epidemiological and sociological situation of Slovakia.   
Grant scheme: APVV-15-0114
Years of realization: 2016 – 2020
Project Position/Role: Principal investigator
  Name of project: Genetic and immunological characterization and analysis of factors influencing the Dynamics of occurrence of zoonotic pathogens and diseases they induce.
Grant scheme: APVV-51-027605
Years of realization: 2006 – 2008
Project Position/Role: investigator
  Name of project: Epizootology of serious parasitoses in Slovakia, their immunopathogenesis and new pharmacological approaches in the therapy.
Grant scheme: APVT-51-010704
Years of realization: 2005 – 2007
Project Position/Role: investigator
  Name of project: Chosen zoonoses in Slovakia in the era of genomics.
Grant scheme: APVT-51-004702
Years of realization: 2003– 2005
Project Position/Role: investigator
  Name of project: Molecular pathogenesis of emerging antropozoonoses in Slovakia.
Grant scheme: ŠPVV 2003ST51/0280900/028098
Years of realization: 2004– 2006
Project Position/Role: investigator
  Name of project: Genomics of transmissible diseases for the healthier human population.
Grant scheme: ŠPVV 2003SP51/0280800/0280803
Years of realization: 2003–2005
Project Position/Role: investigator
  Name of project: Transmission patterns and genetic polymorphisms of zoonotic Echinococcus tapeworms in central Europe.
Grant scheme: DAAD/SAV  57453104
Years of realization: 2019-2020
Project Position/Role: investigator
  Name of project: Molecular epidemiology of serious parasitoses of humans and animals (toxoplasmosis, neosporosis)
Grant scheme: Inter-academic agreement between Slovak Academy of Sciences and Polish Academy of Sciences
Years of realization: 2016-2018
Project Position/Role: investigator
  Name of project: CYSTINET - EuropeanNetwork on Taeniosis/Cysticercosis
Grant scheme: COST Action TD1302
Years of realization: 2013–2017
Project Position/Role: investigator
  Name of project: Safe pork and horse meat in EU-markets: early and unbiased diagnostic test for Trichinella.
Grant scheme: 5. RP EÚ: Trichiporse – QLRT-2000-01156
Years of realization: 2001–2004)
  Name of project: Risk assessment and prevention of alveolar echinococcosis. (2001–2004)
Grant scheme: 5. RP EÚ: Echinorisk – QLK2-CT-2001-01995
Project Position/Role: investigator
Years of realization: 2001 – 2004)
  Name of project: Epidemiology and genetics of Echinococcus in central Europe.
Grant scheme: DAAD/SAV  561/06/FF/2004
Years of realization: 2005–2006
Project Position/Role: investigator
  Name of project: Immunoreactivity of outbred mice infected with small doses of different Trichinella species.
Grant scheme: Inter-academic agreement between Slovak Academy of Sciences and Polish Academy of Sciences
Years of realization: 2007-2009
Project Position/Role: investigator