Gabriela Hrčková, RNDr., DrSc.

  VEGA projects - Projects funded by the Scientific Grant Agency of Ministry of Education SR and Slovak Academy of Sciences 
  Project Title: Cytomorphologic aspects of reproduction and phylogenesis of parasitic helminths (Cytomorfologické aspekty reprodukcie a fylogenéza parazitických plathelmintov).
Grant Scheme: VEGA  2/0104/16
Duration: 1/1/2016 - 31/12/2019
Project Position/Role: Investigator
  Project Title: Antiparasitic and immunomodulatory effects of selected natural compounds on the infections induced by larval stages of helminths (Antiparazitické a imunomodulačné účinky vybraných prírodných látok u infekcií spôsobených larválnymi štádiami helmintov ľudí a zvierat)
Grant Scheme: VEGA  2/0150/13
Duration: 1/1/2013 - 31/12/2015
Project Position/Role: Principal Investigator
  Project Title: Proteolytic and antioxidant enzymes of larval stages of selected helminths and hosts with regard to their functions in host-parasite relationship. (Proteolytické a antioxidačné enzýmy larválnych štádií vybraných druhov helmintov a ich hostiteľov s ohľadom na funkciu v hostiteľsko-parazitickom vzťahu).
Grant Scheme: VEGA  2/0188/10
Duration: 1/1/2010- 31/12/2012
Project Position/Role: Principal Investigator
  Project Title: The functions of anti- and pro-fibrotic factors and selected sub-populations of hepatic cells and their modulation with anthelmintic drug albendayole and antioxidant silzmarin during fibrogenesis in the course of larval cestode infections in mice. (Funkcie pro- a anti-fibroticky pôsobiacich faktorov a vybraných sub-populácií buniek pečene a ich ovplyvnenenie antihelmintikom a antioxidantom počas fibrogenézy vyvolanej infekciou larválnymi štádiami cestódov)
Grant Scheme: VEGA  2/7188/27
Duration: 1/1/2007- 31/12/2009
Project Position/Role: Principal Investigator
  Project Title: Pharmacological influence of sensitive and resistant animal helminths with impact on pharmacokinetics of anthelmintic drugs incorporated to specific carriers. (Farmakologické ovplyvnenie vnímavých a rezistentných helmintov zvierat so zameraním na farmakokinetiku antihelmintík inkorporovaných do špecifických nosičov).
Grant Scheme: VEGA  2/4180/24
Duration: 1/1/2004- 31/12/2006
Project Position/Role: Investigator
  Project Title: New approaches to therapy and prophylaxis of animal parasitoses by combination of antiparasitic drugs with specific carriers and immunomodulators. (Nové prístupy k terapii a profylaxii parazitóz zvierat kombináciou antiparazitík so špecifickými nosičmi a imunomodulačnými látkami).
Grant Scheme: VEGA  2/1152/21
Duration: 1/1/2001- 31/12/2003
Project Position/Role: Investigator
  Project Title: Pharmacological influence of resistant helminhs using new anthelmintics and their carriers. (Farmakologické ovplyvnenie rezistentných helmintov za použitia nových antihelmintík a ich nosičov.)
Grant Scheme: VEGA  2/5011/98
Duration: 1/1/1998- 31/12/2000
Project Position/Role: Investigator
  Project Title: Resistance of helminths to anthelmintics and its pharmacological influence. (Rezistencia helmintov voči antihelmintikám a jej farmakologická účinnosť).
Grant Scheme: VEGA  2/1363/97
Duration: 1/1/1994- 31/12/1997
Project Position/Role: Investigator
  EU Funded Projects
  Collaborative project between company ImunaPharm, Ltd. (coordinator) and Faculty of natural Sciences, University of P.J. Šafarik, Košice with ITMS code: 26220220157 supported by operating program “Research and Development” funded by European Fund for Regional Development, Slovakia
Project Title: Innovation of technological process of preparation of immunomodulatory compound “transfer factor”, evaluation of its efficacy, safety and composition. (Inovácia technologického procesu prípravy imunomodulačného prípravku Transfer faktor, overenie jeho  účinnosti,  bezpečnosti a zloženia).
Main investigator: Firma ImunaPharm, a.s. Šarišské Michaľany,
Partner: Institute of Biology and ecology, Faculty of Science, University of P.J. Šafarik in  Košice.
ITMS code: 26220220157 supported by operating program “Research and Development” funded by European Fund for Regional Development, Slovakia
Project Position/Role: Principal Investigator at the side of main Investigator
  Project Title: European Network of Investigators Triggering Exploratory Research on Myeloid Regulatory Cells (Mye-EUNITER).
Grant Scheme: COST no.
Duration: 12/5/2015- 26/11/2018
Project Position/Role: national coordinator/ principal Investigator
  Project Title: Mechanisms of antiparasitic effects of silymarin flavonolignans on model larval cestode Mesocestoides vogae.
Grant Scheme: Bilateral Mobility Project (AV ČR- PaÚ SAV).
Duration: 1/1/2016- 31/12/2017
Project Position/Role:  principal Investigator
  Project Title: Neuropeptide structure and function in the laboratory model cestoda, Mesocestoides corti
Grant Scheme: Wellcome Trust Collaborative project with UK.
Partner : Medical Biology Centre, Queen´s University of Belfast
Duration: maj 1999-october 2002
Project Position/Role:  principal Investigator
  Project Title: Cloning, molecular and immunological characterization of diagnostic antigens in model cestodes Echinococcus multilocularis and Mesocestoides corti
Grant Scheme:  The Austrian Research Council OAD
Partner : Dept. of Medical parasitology, Hygiene Institute in Vienna and University in Vienna, Austria
Duration: 01/2003-12/ 2005
Project Position/Role:  principal Investigator