VEGA projects - Projects funded by the Scientific Grant Agency of Ministry of Education SR and Slovak Academy of Sciences | |
Project Title: Population-genetic characterization of invasive parasitic species (Platyhelminthes); determination of their origin and migratory routes (Populačno-genetická charakterizácia inváznych druhov parazitov (Platyhelminthes); determinácia ich pôvodu a ciest šírenia) Grant Scheme: 2/0134/17 Duration: 01/01/2017 – 31/12/2020 Project Position/Role: Investigator |
Project Title: Phylogeography and population genetics of newly emerging European and North American populations of Fascioloides magna (Trematoda), an important liver parasite of ruminants (Fylogeografia a populačná genetika novo sa objavujúcich európskych a severoamerických populácií Fascioloides magna (Trematoda), závažného pečeňového parazita prežúvavcov) Grant Scheme: VEGA 2/0133/13 Duration: 1/1/2013 – 31/12/2016 Project Position/Role: Principal Investigator |
Project Title: Chromosomes as markers in systematics of phylogenetically distant helminth groups (Acanthocephala, Platyhelminthes) (Chromozómy ako markery v systematike fylogeneticky vzdialených skupín helmintov (Acanthocephala, Platyhelminthes) Grant Scheme: VEGA 2/0168/13 Duration: 1/1/2013 – 31/12/2016 Project Position/Role: Investigator |
Project Title: Research on genetic characteristics of caryophyllidean cestodes with emphasis on occurrence of ITS paralogues and triploidy (Výskum genetických charakteristík cestódov radu Caryophyllidea so zameraním na výskyt ITS paralógov a triploidie) Grant Scheme: VEGA 2/0014/10 Duration: 1/1/2010 – 31/12/2012 Project Position/Role: Principal Investigator |
Project Title: Classical and molecular karyology of platyhelminth parasites: detection of phylogenetically informative markers (Klasická a molekulárna karyológia parazitov kmeňa Platyhelminthes: detekcia fylogeneticky významných charakteristík) Grant Scheme: VEGA 2/0148/09 Duration: 1/1/2009 – 31/12/2012 Project Position/Role: Investigator |
Project Title: Evolution, biology and genetic structure of basal tapeworms of the order Caryophyllidea (Evolúcia, biológia a genetická štruktúra bazálnych pásomníc radu Caryophyllidea) Grant Scheme: VEGA 2/7192/27 Duration: 1/1/2007 – 31/12/2009 Project Position/Role: Investigator |
Project Title: Karyotypes of helminths from localities with increased ecological load (Karyotypy helmintov v prostredí so zvýšenou ekologickou záťažou) Grant Scheme: VEGA 2/6191/26 Duration: 1/1/2006 – 31/12/2008 Project Position/Role: Investigator |
Project Title: Biodiversity and an impact of environmental pollution on fish parasites of the Tisa River and its tributaries (Stav biodiverzity a hodnotenie dopadov environmentálneho znečistenia na parazitofaunu rýb rieky Tisy a jej prítokov) Grant Scheme: VEGA 2/4177/24 Duration: 1/1/2004 – 31/12/2006 Project Position/Role: Investigator |
Project Title: Karyotypes of helminths as taxonomical and ecological tools (Karyotypy helmintov a ich využitie pri riešení taxonomických a ekologických problémov) Grant Scheme: VEGA 2/3212/23 Duration: 1/1/2003 – 31/12/2005 Project Position/Role : Investigator |
Project Title: Genetic and species diversity of parasites in ecosystems important from the aspects of environmental protection (Genetická a druhová diverzita parazitov v ekosystémoch významných z hľadiska ochrany prírody a krajiny) Grant Scheme: VEGA 2/1020/21 Duration: 1/1/2001 – 31/12/2003 Project Position/Role: Investigator |
Project Title: Biodiversity of animal parasite communities in ecosystems of different level and character (Výskum biodiverzity parazitov zvierat v ekologických systémoch rôznej úrovne a kvality) Grant scheme: VEGA 2/5018/98-00 Duration: 1/1/1998 – 31/12/2000 Project Position/Role: Investigator |
Project Title: Research on the biological and ecological characteristics on the allochtonic population of important parasite Fascioloides magna in the grasland forest ecosystem (Výskum biologických a ekologických charakteristík alochtónnej populácie závažného parazita Fascioloides magna v ekosystéme lužného lesa) Grant Scheme: GAV 2/2079/95-97 Duration: 1/1/1995 – 31/12/1997 Project Position/Role: Investigator |
Project Title: Genetic markers in biosystematic and in the study of adaptibility of natural parasites communities (Genetické markery v biosystematike a v poznaní adaptability prírodných spoločenstiev parazitov) Grant Scheme: GAV-2/1364/94-97 Duration: 1/1/1994 – 31/12/1997 Project Position/Role: Investigator |
Project Title: Phenotypic and genetic characterization of model helminths (Fenotypická a genetická charakteristika modelových helmintov) Grant Scheme: GAV-160/91-93 Duration: 1/1/1991 – 31/12/1993 Project Position/Role: Investigator |
APVV projects - Projects funded by the Slovak Research and Development Agency | |
Project Title: Emerging fish-born zoonoses in Europe: molecular diagnostics, origin and distribution of Diphyllobothrium (Difylobotrióza – novo sa objavujúca, rybami prenášaná zoonóza v Európe: molekulárna diagnostika, pôvod a rozšírenie parazita) Grant Scheme: APVV-15-0004 Duration: 1/7/2016 – 30/6/2020 Project Position/Role: Principal Investigator |
Project Title: Species boundary delimitation in fish parasites: morphology versus genes and chromosomes (Vymedzenie hraníc druhu u parazitov rýb: morfológia verzus gény a chromozómy) Grant Scheme: APVV-0653-11 Duration: 1/7/2012 – 31/12/2015 Project Position/Role: Investigator |
Project Title: Historical and ecological biogeography of Fascioloides magna and other invasive alien parasites of free-living animals in Europe (Historická a ekologická biogeografia Fascioloides magna a iných inváznych druhov parazitov voľne žijúcich zvierat v Európe) Grant Scheme: APVV-51-062205 Duration: 1/5/2006 – 30/4/2009 Project Position/Role: Investigator |
Project Title: Molecular discrimination of antihelmintic resistant strongyles affecting sheep and horses in Slovakia and Italy (Rozlíšenie rezistentných strongylov oviec a koní použitím molekulárnych metód na Slovensku a v Taliansku) Grant Scheme: Bilateral CNR project Duration: 1/1/2007 – 31/12/2009 Project Position/Role : Principal Investigator |
Grant Scheme: The Royal Society Fund Duration: May 2001 Host Institution: Fisheries Research Services, Marine Laboratory, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK |
Grant Scheme: The Large Scale Facility Grant Duration: June 2001 Host Institution: Institute of Aquaculture, University of Stirling, Stirling, Scotland, UK |
Grant Scheme: 18/C5/97 00220, Grant Interuniversity Poles of Attraction Programme - Belgium State, Prime Minister’s Office - Federal Office for Scientific, Technical and Cultural Affairs Duration: June 1997 – May 1998 Host Institution: Christian de Duve Institute of Cellular Pathology, Research Unit for Tropical Diseases, Brussels, BELGIUM |
Grant Scheme: S & T Cooperation Belgium - Central and Eastern Europe Duration: June 1998 – May 1999 Host Institution: Christian de Duve Institute of Cellular Pathology, Research Unit for Tropical Diseases, Brussels, BELGIUM |
Grant Scheme: DAAD fellowship Duration: May 1994 – September 1994 Host Institution: Department of Developmental Biology, Institute of Zoology, University of Ludwig Maximilian, Mníchov, NEMECKO |