VEGA projects - Projects funded by the Scientific Grant Agency of Ministry of Education SR and Slovak Academy of Sciences | |
Project Title: Direct and indirect impact of invasive plant species on soil micro and mesofauna biodiversity (Priamy a nepriamy vplyv inváznych druhov rastlín na biodiverzitu pôdnej mikro a mezofauny) Grant Scheme: VEGA 2/0018/20 Duration: 1/1/2020 - 31/12/2023 Project Position/Role: Principal Investigator |
Project Title: Soil nematodes and microorganisms: indicators of impact of non-native plant species invasion on the ecosystem (Pôdne nematódy a mikroorganizmy: indikátory dopadu invázie nepôvodných druhov rastlín na ekosystém) Grant Scheme: VEGA 2/0013/16 Duration: 1/1/2016 - 31/12/2019 Project Position/Role: Principal Investigator |
Project Title: The effect of vermicompost, its derivates and plant extracts on soil and plant parasitic nematodes (Účinok aplikácie vermikompostu, jeho derivátov a rastlinných metabolitov na pôdne a parazitické nematódy rastlín) Grant Scheme: VEGA 2/0079/13 Duration: 1/1/2013- 31/12/2015 Project Position/Role: Principal Investigator |
Project Title: The impact of natural and anthropic factors on soil free living and plant parasitic nematode communities (Vplyv prírodných a antropických faktorov na spoločenstvá voľne žijúcich pôdnych a parazitických nematód rastlín) Grant Scheme: VEGA 2/0136/10 Duration: 1/1/2010- 31/12/2012 Project Position/Role: Principal Investigator |
Project Title: The communities of free living and plant parasitic nematodes, their significance for ecology and phytopathology (Spoločenstvá voľne žijúcich a parazitických nematódov rastlín, ich ekologický a fytopatologický význam) Grant Scheme: VEGA 2/7191/27 Duration: 1/1/2007- 31/12/2009 Project Position/Role: Investigator |
Project Title: Biology, ecology and pathogenicity of plant parasitic nematodes (Biológia, ekológia a fytopatogenita parazitických rastlín) Grant Scheme: VEGA 2/4176/04 Duration: 1/1/2004- 31/12/2006 Project Position/Role: Investigator |
APVV projects - Projects funded by the Slovak Research and Development Agency | |
Project Title: Vegetation, soil microorganisms and carbon sequestration in forest soils: links and interactions. (Rastliny, pôdne mikroorganizmy a sekvestrácia uhlíka v lesných pôdach: väzby a interakcia) Grant scheme: APVV-15-0176 Duration: 07/2016 –06/2020 Project coordinator: Technical University in Zvolen Project Position/Role: Investigator |
Project Title: Diversity of cyst forming nematodes in agroekosystems and natural meadow ekosystems. (Diverzita cystotvorných nematódov a agroekosystémoch a prirodzených lúčnych ekosystémoch) Grant Scheme: APVT-51-014604 Duration: 1/1/2005- 31/12/2007 Project Position/Role: Principal Investigator |
Projects financially supported by EU | |
Project Title: Centre of Excellence for Biological Methods of Forest Protection (Code ITMS: 26220120008) Grant Scheme: Operational Programme "Research and Development funded from the European Regional Development Found. Duration: 2009 – 2011 Project Position/Role: Investigator |
Project Title: Application Centre to protect humans, animals and plants against parasites (Code ITMS: 26220220018) Grant Scheme: Operational Programme "Research and Development funded from the European Regional Development Found. Duration: 2010 – 2012 Project Position/Role: Investigator |
APVV projects - Projects funded by the Slovak Research and Development Agency | |
Project Title: Characteristic of different potato cyst nematode (Globodera rostochiensis, Globodera pallida) populations utilizing the molecular biology methods (Charakteristika rôznych populácií háďatka zemiakového (Globodera rostochiensis, Globodera pallida) pomocou molekulárno biologických metód) Grant Scheme: APVV SK-CZ-0086-11 Duration: 1/1/2012- 31/12/2013 Project Position/Role: Principal Investigator |
Bilateral projects | |
Project Title: Use of compost of different origin in agriculture (Globodera rostochiensis, Globodera pallida) populations utilizing the molecular biology methods (Využitie kompostov rôzneho pôvodu v poľnohospodárstve) Grant Scheme: Bilateral SAS (Slovakia) –CNR (Italy) Duration: 1/1/2004- 31/12/2006 Project Position/Role: Investigator |
Project Title: New promising technologies in the control of phytoparasitic nematodes and soilborne pathogen (Nové technológie na reguláciu parazitických nematód rastlín a pôdnych patogénov) Grant Scheme: Bilateral SAS (Slovakia) –CNR (Italy) Duration: 1/1/2007- 31/12/2009 Project Position/Role: Investigator |
Project Title: Efficacy of plant-derived tannins for the control of nematode parasites of plants and animals (Účinok rastlinných tanínov na reguláciu parazitických nematód rastlín a zvierat) Grant Scheme: Bilateral SAS (Slovakia) –CNR (Italy) Duration: 1/1/2010- 31/12/2012 Project Position/Role: Investigator |