NATIONAL PROJECTS – (principal investigator only) | |
VEGA projects - Projects funded by the Scientific Grant Agency of Ministry of Education SR and Slovak Academy of Sciences | |
Project Title: Chromosomes as markers in systematics of phylogenetically distant helminth groups (Acanthocephala, Platyhelminthes) (Chromozómy ako markery v systematike fylogeneticky vzdialených skupín helmintov (Acanthocephala, Platyhelminthes) Grant Scheme: VEGA 2/0168/13 Duration: 1/1/2013 - 31/12/2016 Project Position/Role: Principal Investigator |
Project Title: Classical and molecular karyology of platyhelminth parasites: detection of phylogenetically informative markers (Klasická a molekulárna karyológia parazitov kmeňa Platyhelminthes: detekcia fylogeneticky významných charakteristík) Grant Scheme: VEGA 2/0148/09 Duration: 1/1/2009 - 31/12/2012 Project Position/Role: Principal Investigator |
Project Title: Karyotypes of fish helminths from localities with increased ecological load (Karyotypy helmintov rýb v prostredí so zvýšenou ekologickou záťažou) Grant Scheme: VEGA 2/6191/26 Duration: 1/1/2006 - 31/12/2008 Project Position/Role: Principal Investigator |
Project Title: Karyotypes of helminths as taxonomical and ecological tools (Karyotypy helmintov a ich využitie pri riešení taxonomických a ekologických problémov) Grant Scheme: VEGA 2/3212/23 Duration: 1/1/2003 – 31/12/2005 Project Position/Role : Principal Investigator |
Project Title: Research on the biological and ecological characteristics on the allochtonic population of important parasite Fascioloides magna in the grasland forest ecosystem (Výskum biologických a ekologických charakteristík alochtónnej populácie závažného parazita Fascioloides magna v ekosystéme lužného lesa) Grant Scheme: GAV 2/2079/95-97 Duration: 1/1/1995 – 31/12/1997 Project Position/Role: Principle Investigator |
APVV projects - Projects funded by the Slovak Research and Development Agency | |
Project Title: Historical and ecological biogeography of Fascioloides magna and other invasive alien parasites of free-living animals in Europe (Historická a ekologická biogeografia Fascioloides magna a iných inváznych druhov parazitov voľne žijúcich zvierat v Európe) Grant Scheme: APVV-51-062205 Duration: 1/5/2006 - 30/4/2009 Project Position/Role: Principle Investigator |
Project Title: Karyosystematics of flukes of the family Fasciolidae, important human and ruminant parasites (Karyosystematika motolíc čeľade Fasciolidae, závažných pečeňových parazitov ľudí a prežúvavcov) Grant Scheme: LPP-0126-07 Duration: 1/7/2008 - 30/6/2012 Project Position/Role: Principle Investigator |
Project Title: Geographical variability of karyotypes and izoenzymes in helminths (Geografická variabilita karyotypov a izoenzýmov u helmintov) Grant Scheme: Commision of the European Communities -GO WEST, ERB 3510PL923633 Duration: 03/1992–07/1992 Project Position/Role: Principal Investigator Collaborating Institution: Departmento de Microbiología y Parasitología, Facultad de Farmacia, Universidad de Sevilla, Sevilla, España |
Project Title: Systematics and cytogenetic analysis of animal helminth parasites (Systematika a cytogenetická analýza helmintov, cudzopasiacich u živočíchov) Grant Scheme: Universidad de Barcelona – Research Exchange Project Duration: 01/1998–12/1998 Project Position/Role: Principal Investigator Collaborating Institution: Departmento de Microbiología y Parasitología, Facultat de Farmacia, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, España |
Project Title: Biological and genetic variability in fish acanthocephalans of the genus Pomphorhynchus: its relevance to the survey of parasite introductions, and to local adaptation and ecotoxicological studies (Biologická a genetická variabilita parazitov rýb, háčikohlavcov rodu Pomphorhynchus: jej význam v procesoch introdukcie a lokálnej adaptácie parazitov.) Grant Scheme: EuroDIVERSITY programme, VTS SR. France STEFANIK No. 11. Duration: 01/2004–12/2005 Project Position/Role: Principal Investigator Collaborating Institution: Equipe Ecologie Evolution, UMR CNRS-UB 5561 Biogeosciences, Université de Bourgogne, Dijon, France |
Project Title: Taxonomy of European thorny-headed worms of the genus Pomphorhynchus (Acanthocephala) (Taxonómia európskych háčikohlavcov rodu Pomphorhynhus (Acanthocephala) Grant Scheme: EU SYNTHESYS DE-TAF-2337 Duration: 10/2006 Project Position/Role: Principal Investigator Collaborating Institution: Museum für Naturkunde (Natural History Museum) Berlin, Germany |
Project Title: Cytogenetic study of fish ectoparasites of the family Diplozoidae (Monogenea, Platyhelminthes (Cytogenetické štúdium ektoparazitov rýb čeľade Diplozoidae (Monogenea, Platyhelminthes) Grant Scheme: EU SYNTHESYS DE-TAF-2337 Duration: 01/2009–12/2015 Project Position/Role: Principal Investigator Collaborating Institution: Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic |
The Ninth International Acanthocephalan Workshop will be hosted by Dr. Marta Špakulová in 2018. For more information contact her at spakulma@saske.skSee Workshop Notes from the Eighth International Acanthocephalan Workshop here |