Lucia Blaňarová, RNDr., PhD.

  VEGA projects - Projects funded by the Scientific Grant Agency of Ministry of Education SR and Slovak Academy of Sciences
Project Title: Epidemiologically important tick species in Slovakia under global climate changes
(Epidemiologicky významné druhy kliešťov na Slovensku pod vplyvom globálnych klimatických zmien)
Grant Scheme: VEGA 2/0128/09
Duration: 2009 – 2011
Project Position/Role: Investigator
Project Title: Babesiosis in Slovakia
(Babezióza na Slovensku)
Grant Scheme: 2/0113/12
Duration: 2012 – 2015
Project Position/Role: Investigator
Project Title: The host – parasite – pathogen relations using geographic information systems tools (Vzťahy hostiteľ - parazit - patogén/choroba s využitím geografických informačných systémov)
Grant Scheme: 2/0060/14
Duration: 1/1/2014 – 31/12/2017
Project Position/Role: Investigator
Project Title: Natural foci in urban environment - the case of the Košice agglomeration: structure and dynamics in space and in time (Prírodné ohniská v mestách na príklade košickej aglomerácie: štruktúra a dynamika v priestore a čase.)
Grant Scheme: VEGA  2/0059/15
Duration: 1/1/2015 – 31/12/2018
Project Position/Role: Investigator
Project Title: The research of structure and dynamics of montane type natural foci of tick borne pathogens
(Výskum štruktúry a dynamiky prírodných ohnísk kliešťami prenášaných nákaz horského typu)
Grant Scheme: 2/0126/16
Duration: 2016 – 2019
Project Position/Role: Principal Inestigator (2016), Investigator
APVV projects - Projects funded by the Slovak Research and Development Agency
Project Title: Structure of foci and emerging diseases with emphasis on role of rodents in urban type of landscape (Štruktúra ohnísk a vynárajúce sa choroby s dôrazom na úlohu drobných cicavcov v prírodných ohniskách urbánneho typu krajiny)
Grant Scheme: APVV – 0267-10
Duration: 1/5/2011 – 31/10/2014
Project Position/Role: Investigator
Project Title: European Network for Neglected Vectors and Vector-Borne Infections (Európska sieť pre podceňované vektory a vektormi prenášané infekcie)
Grant Scheme: COST
Duration: 2013-2017
Position: Investigator
Project Title: Small mammals as a potential source of zoonotic bacteria and resistence to antibiotic (Drobné cicavce ako potenciálny zdroj zoonotických bakterií a rezistencie na antibiotiká)
Grant Scheme: APVV-14-0274
Duration: 1.7.2015 – 30.6.2019
Project Position/Role: Investigator
Project Title: Antitick protection using of modified polypropylen fibres with an acaricidal effect
(Protikliešťová ochrana pomocou modifikovaných polypropylénových vlákien s akaricídnym účinkom)
Grant Scheme: APVV-15-0419
Duration: 07/2016 – 12/2018
Project Position/Role: Investigator
Project Title: Biology and control of vector-borne infections in Europe (EDENext)
Grant Scheme: FP7-HEALTH
Duration: 1/01/2011 – 30/6/2015
Project Position/Role: Investigator
Project Title: Monitoring of the occurrence of zoonotic tick borne pathogens in urban areas of Central Europe under the impact of global climate changes
Grant scheme: Bilateral Project
Duration: 2015-2017
Partner: Czech Republic
Project Position: Investigator