Eva Bazsalovicsová, MVDr., PhD.

  VEGA projects - Projects funded by the Scientific Grant Agency of Ministry of Education SR and Slovak Academy of Sciences 
  Project Title: Origin and migratory routes of zoonotic tapeworms Dibothriocephalus latus and D. dendriticus (Cestoda: Diphyllobothriidea) 
Grant Scheme: VEGA 2/0027/21
Duration: 1/1/2021 - 31/12/2024
Project Position/Role: Investigator
  Project Title: Population-genetic characterization of invasive parasitic species (Platyhelminthes); determination of their origin and migratory routes (Populačno-genetická charakterizácia inváznych druhov parazitov (Platyhelminthes); determinácia ich pôvodu a ciest šírenia)
Grant Scheme: 2/0134/17
Duration: 01/01/2017 – 31/12/2020
Project Position/Role: Principal Investigator
  Project Title: Phylogeography and population genetics of newly emerging European and North American populations of Fascioloides magna (Trematoda), an important liver parasite of ruminants (Fylogeografia a populačná genetika novo sa objavujúcich európskych a severoamerických populácií Fascioloides magna (Trematoda), závažného pečeňového parazita prežúvavcov)
Grant Scheme: VEGA 2/0133/13
Duration: 1/1/2013 - 31/12/2016
Project Position/Role: Investigator
  Project Title: Chromosomes as markers in systematics of phylogenetically distant helminth groups (Acanthocephala, Platyhelminthes) (Chromozómy ako markery v systematike fylogeneticky vzdialených skupín helmintov (Acanthocephala, Platyhelminthes)
Grant Scheme: VEGA 2/0168/13
Duration: 1/1/2013 - 31/12/2016
Project Position/Role: Investigator
  Project Title: Hidden diversity of fish parasites and biological invasions (Skrytá diverzita parazitov rýb a biologické invázie)
Grant Scheme: VEGA 2/0129/12
Duration: 1/1/2012 - 31/12/2015
Project Position/Role: Investigator
  Project Title: Research on genetic characteristics of caryophyllidean cestodes with emphasis on occurrence of ITS paralogues and triploidy (Výskum genetických charakteristík cestódov radu Caryophyllidea so zameraním na výskyt IST paralógov a triploidie)
Grant Scheme: VEGA 2/0014/10
Duration: 1/1/2010 – 31/12/2012
Project Position/Role: Investigator
  APVV projects - Projects funded by the Slovak Research and Development Agency
  Project Title: Emerging fish-borne zoonoses in Europe: molecular diagnostics, origin and distribution of Diphyllobothrium (Difylobotrióza - novo sa objavujúca, rybami prenášaná zonóza v Európe: molekulárna diagnostika, pôvod a rozšírenie parazita)
Grant Scheme: APVV-15-0004
Duration: 01/07/2016 - 30/06/2020
Project Position/Role: Investigator
  Project Title: Species boundary delimitation in fish parasites: morphology versus genes and chromosomes (Vymedzenie hraníc druhu u parazitov rýb: morfológia verzus gény a chromozómy)
Grant Scheme: APVV-0653-11
Duration: 1/7/2012 - 31/12/2015
Project Position/Role: Investigator
  Project Title: Population genetics and biogeography of a zoonotic tapeworm Dibothriocephalus latus (Populačná genetika a biogeografia zoonóznej pásomnice Dibothriocephalus latus)
Grant Scheme: Mobility SAS-ASCR 21-11
Duration: 1/1/2021 - 31/12/2022
Project Position/Role: Principal investigator
  Project Title: Population genetics and phylogeography of invasive parasitic species (Populačná genetika a fylogeografia inváznych druhov parazitov)
Grant Scheme: Bilateral mobility project SAS-ASCR 16-20
Duration: 1/1/2016 - 31/12/2017
Project Position/Role: Principal investigator