VEGA projects - Projects funded by the Scientific Grant Agency of Ministry of Education SR and Slovak Academy of Sciences | |
Project title: The impact of anthropogenic contanimation on the occurrence of the microbial and parasitic organisms in environment within urban and rural ecosystems (Vplyv antropogénnej záťaže na výskyt mikrobiálnych a parazitických organizmov v životnom prostredí v urbánnych a rurálnych ekosystémoch) Grant Scheme: VEGA 2/0125/17 Duration: 01/01/2017 - 31/12/2020 Project Position/Role: Principal Investigator |
Project Title: Research of the effective approaches of the decrease of epizootologically and epidemiologically important urban and rural ecosystems contamination with parasitic agents (Výskum efektívnych postupov znižovania epizootologicky a epidemiologicky významnej kontaminácie urbánneho a rurálneho ekosystému pôvodcami parazitárnych infekcií). Grant Scheme: VEGA 2/0140/13 Duration: 01/01/2013 - 31/12/2016 Project Position/Role: Principal Investigator |
Project Title: Pointed regulation of spreading parasitoses in the environment of the marginalised groups of inhabitants (Cielená regulácia šírenia sa parazitóz v životnom prostredí marginalizovanej skupiny obyvateľov). Grant Scheme: VEGA 2/0147/10 Duration: 01/01/2010 - 31/12/2012 Project Position/Role: Principal Investigator |
Project Title: Epizootological aspects of parasitic zoonoses spreading in the territory of the Slovak Republic under new conditions of the exchange and market with animals after accession in EU (Epizootologické aspekty šírenia sa parazitóz na území SR v nových podmienkach výmeny a trhu so zvieratmi po vstupe do EÚ). Grant Scheme: VEGA 2/7190/27 Duration: 01/01/2007 - 31/12/2009 Project Position/Role: Principal Investigator |
Project Title: Dissemination of endoparasitic germs of zoonotic character in environment within urban and rural ecosystems (Diseminácia zárodkov endoparazitov so zoonóznym charakterom v životnom prostredí v urbánnych a rurálnych ekosystémoch). Grant Scheme: VEGA 2/4178/24 Duration: 01/01/2004 - 31/12/2006 Project Position/Role: Principal Investigator |
Project Title: Treatment and recycling of animal production wastes from aspect od veterinary hygiene (Spracovanie a recyklácia odpadov zo živočíšnej výroby z aspektu veterinárnej hygieny). Grant Scheme: VEGA 2/1151/21 Duration: 01/01/2001 - 31/12/2003 Project Position/Role: Investigator |
Project Title: Selection of bacteriocin-producing microorganisms from animal faeces, detection and charcterisation of their bacteriocines and utilisation in biodegradative processes (Selekcia bakteriocín-produkujúcich mikroorganizmov z exkrementov hospodárskych zvierat, detekcia a charakterizácia ich bakteriocínov a využitie v biodegradačných procesoch). Grant Scheme: VEGA 2/6106/99 Duration: 01/01/1999 - 31/12/2001 Project Position/Role: Investigator |
Project Title: Environmental and sanitary aspects of elimination of organic contamination from livestock raising farms (Environmentálne a hygienické aspekty eliminácie organického znečistenia zo živočíšnej výroby). Grant Scheme: VEGA 2/5147/98 Duration: 01/01/1998 - 31/12/2000 Project Position/Role: Investigator |
Project Title: Antimicrobial activity and occurence of plasmids in members of facultative and strictly anaerobic microflora in animal faeces and their utilisation in biodegradative processes (Antimikrobiálna aktivita a výskyt plazmidov u zástupcov fakultatívne a striktne anaeróbnej mikroflóry v exkrementoch hospodárskych zvierat a ich využitie v biodegradačných procesoch). Grant Scheme: VEGA 2/3012/96 Duration: 01/01/1996 - 31/12/1998 Project Position/Role: Investigator |
Project Title: Study of sanitary-epidemiological hazards and research of effective processes in treatment and recycling of agricultural wastes (Sledovanie hygienicko-epidemiologických rizík a výskum efektívnosti postupov pri spracovaní a recyklizácii poľnohospodárskych odpadov) Grant Scheme: VEGA 2/2078/95 Duration: 01/01/1995 - 31/12/1997 Project Position/Role: Investigator |
APVV projects - Projects funded by the Slovak Research and Development Agency | |
Project Title: Risk assessment of the parasitozoonoses occurrence using multicriteria analysis approaches. (Hodnotenie rizika výskytu parazitozoonóz metódami multikriteriálnej analýzy) Grant scheme: APVV-18-0351 Duration: 07/2019 –06/2023 Project Position/Role: Principal Investigator |
Projects funded by the Ministry of Agriculture SR | |
Project Title: Environmentally accepted agricultural measures of submountain and mountain regions (Environmentálne prijateľné sústavy obhospodarovania podhorských a horských regiónov). Grant Scheme: VTP 27-12 Duration: 01/04/1999 - 30/04/2002 Project Position/Role: Investigator |
Structural fund projects | |
Project Title: Centre of excellence for parasitology (Centrum excelentnosti pre parazitológiu) Grant scheme: ŠF EÚ OPVaV-2008-2.1/01-SORO (ITMS code: 26220120022) Implementation period: 1.6.2009-30.6.2012 Project Position/Role: assistant project manager |
Project Title: Application centre for the protection of people, animals and plants from parasites (Aplikačné centrum pre ochranu ľudí, zvierat a rastlín pred parazitmi) Grant scheme: ŠF EÚ OPVaV-2008-2.2/01-SORO (ITMS code: 26220220018) Implementation period: 1.9.2009-30.6.2013 Project Position/Role: assistant project manager |
Project Title: Protection of the environment against parasitozoonoses under the influence of global climate and social changes (Ochrana životného prostredia pred parazitozoonózami pod vplyvom globálnych klimatických a spoločenských zmien) Grant scheme: ŠF EÚ OPVaV-2009/2.2/04 (ITMS code: 26220220116) Implementation period: 2011 - 2015 Project Position/Role: manager of the project, leader of the 1.2 project goal, investigator of the second project goal for the transfer of knowledge into practice |
Project Title: Parasitological Research and Training Center of SAS (Výskumno-vzdelávacie parazitologické centrum SAV) Grant scheme: ŠF EÚ OPV 1.2/02-SORO (ITMS code: 26110230045) Implementation period: 1.2.2012-30.6.2014 Project Position/Role: Finance manager of the project, Investigator |
Project funded by the World Health Organisation | |
Project Title: Survey on intestinal parasites prevalence in semi-nomadic population of Slovakia Grant Scheme: subcontract between Swiss Tropical and Public Institute (Basel, Switzerland) and Parasitological Institute SAS Switzerland Duration: 22/07/2019 – 31/01/2020 Project Position/Role: Project Leader |
Bilateral projects | |
Project Title: Efficacy of plant-derived tannins for the control of nematode parasites of plants and animals. (Účinok rastlinných tanínov na reguláciu parazitických nematód rastlín a zvierat) Grant Scheme: Bilateral CNR project Duration: 01/01/2010 – 31/12/2012 Project Position/Role: Principal Investigator |
Project Title: New promising technologies in the control of phytoparasitic nematodes and soilborne pathogens. (Nové technológie v kontrole fytoparazitických nematódov a pôdou prenášaných patogénov) Grant Scheme: Bilateral CNR project Duration: 01/01/2007 – 31/12/2009 Project Position/Role: Principal Investigator |
Project Title: Effect of composting of agroindustrial wastes on animal and human pathogen germs and phytoparasitic nematodes. (Vplyv kompostovania poľnohospodárskych odpadov na patogénne zárodky zvierat a ľudí a na fytoparazitické nematódy) Grant Scheme: Bilateral CNR project Duration: 01/01/2004 – 31/12/2006 Project Position/Role: Principal Investigator |
Other international projects | |
Project Title: Environmental protection against the spread of pathogenic agents of diseases through the wastes of animal production (Ochrana prostredia pred šírením patogénnych zárodkov prostredníctvom živočíšnych odpadov) Grant Scheme: Grant US-Slovak Science and Technology found, No. 002-95 Duration: 01/11/1996 – 30/04/2000 Project Position/Role: Investigator |