Michaela Komáromyová, RNDr., PhD.

  VEGA projects - Projects funded by the Scientific Grant Agency of Ministry of Education SR and Slovak Academy of Sciences 
  Project Title:  Wild ruminants as potential risk factor of anthelmintc resistant parasites between small ruminants (Voľne žijúce prežúvavce ako potenciálny rizikový faktor prenosu rezistentných parazitov medzi chovmi malých prežúvavcov)
Grant Scheme: VEGA  2/0120/16
Duration: 1/1/2016 - 31/12/2018
Project Position/Role: Investigator
  APVV projects - Projects funded by the Slovak Research and Development Agency
  PARASOLVING - Anthelmintic resistance of parasites – challenges, perspectives and solutions (Rezistencia parazitov na antihelmintiká-výzvy, perspektívy a riešenia)
Grant Scheme: APVV project 0169-14
Duration: 1/7/2015 – 28/6/2019
Project Position/Role : Investigator